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Il mondo ad Amsterdam

Saranno 35.000, da 140 paesi del mondo, i professionisti in visita a Intertraffic 2024. Sotto i riflettori i trend topic resilienza, sicurezza e innovazione


Redazione VISIONJ

Il 2 febbraio scorso è stata annunciata la lista delle nomination degli Intertraffic Awards 2024, che comprende 15 soluzioni innovative nel campo della mobilità. I vincitori verranno annunciati durante la cerimonia di apertura di Intertraffic Amsterdam, manifestazione in programma dal 16 al 19 aprile a RAI Amsterdam, la fiera della capitale dei Paesi Bassi, che quest’anno conterà ben 900 espositori distribuiti in 13 padiglioni, per un numero complessivo di visitatori attesi, da 140 Paesi del pianeta, pari a circa 35mila. 

Tornando agli Awards, i premi in palio saranno il Green Globe Award, che simboleggia l’innovazione che apporta significativi benefici ambientali, l’Inspiration Award, che mette in evidenza prodotti innovativi capaci di “ispirare” il settore verso nuovi orizzonti e lo User Experience Award, che riconosce l’eccellenza nei sistemi di controllo per l’utente finale. Sono cinque i candidati per ciascuna delle tre categorie, che rappresentano produttori di soluzioni di mobilità provenienti da 11 Paesi.

Conoscenza infrastrutturale

Tra i grandi temi di Intertraffic 2024, oggetto di approfondimento anche nell’ambito del nutrito programma dell’Intertraffic Summit & Demonstration, vi saranno la resilienza, l’intelligenza artificiale, l’IoT (Internet of Things) e l’interoperabilità. Sotto i riflettori, lo stato dell’arte di tecnologie sviluppate per migliorare mobilità, sicurezza stradale, vivibilità urbana e metropolitana, qualità negli spostamenti in ottica multimodale. Il padiglione 7, in particolare, ospiterò quattro grandi teatri dedicati ai “summit”, nonché un’ampia area di networking e un’area dimostrativa al coperto. 

Municipalità, associazioni, federazioni e aziende di primo livello (tra cui anche l’italiana Movyon) daranno vita a percorsi di confronto che metteranno a fuoco le principali sfide imposte al settore, dalla manutenzione al cambiamento climatico, e naturalmente gli strumenti migliori per affrontarle. 


Industry, innovation and infrastructure

The 2024 intertraffic edition is set to be the biggest to date with over 900 organisations exhibiting in 13 halls. around 35,000 professionals from 140 countries are expected. among the topics: the new technologies for road safety

On 2nd February 2024 the final shortlist of nominations for the Intertraffic Awards 2024 has been announced, with a total of 15 new mobility innovations recognised. The winners will be revealed during the opening ceremony of Intertraffic Amsterdam, the leading global gathering for the traffic technology and mobility sector. The 2024 edition is set to be the biggest edition to date with over 900 public and private organisations exhibiting in 13 halls. Around 35,000 industry professionals and representatives from cities and regions from some 140 countries are expected. Intertraffic Amsterdam will be staged from 16-19 April 2024 at RAI Amsterdam. 

The three Intertraffic Awards up for grabs are: the Green Globe Award, which symbolises innovation that delivers significant environmental benefits; the Inspiration Award, which highlights groundbreaking products inspiring the industry in new directions; and the User Experience Award, which recognises excellence in control systems for the end user. There are five nominees in each of the three categories, representing mobility solutions manufacturers from 11 different countries. 

The house of knowledge

The Intertraffic Summit & Demonstration Programme for 2024 (110 knowledge sessions) features the latest roadside equipment, mobility, communication and data technologies, to enhance traffic flow, road safety, sustainability and liveability in and around cities and to create seamless mobility services for travellers. The programme offers pitches, demonstrations, interactive presentations, panel discussions, workshops and debates on solutions for the ever-growing accessibility, road safety and climate problems. 

Hall 7 houses four grand Summit theatres, a large networking area to meet up with speakers and an indoor demonstration area. Renowned companies, cities and stakeholder organizations such as PTV, Swarco, Yunex Traffic, EasyPark, Skidata, Flowbird, Be-Mobile, Nissan, Mercedes, Vitronic, Capgemini, MOVYON, Cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, European Parking Association, Polis, MaaS Alliance, International Road Federation, IRF Global, European Cyclists’ Federation, Dutch Cycling Embassy, and National ITS organisations are part of the programme. 

The presented and showcased mobility solutions, urban mobility visions and policy and enforcement guidelines address sector challenges including urgent climate issues, construction, renovation and road maintenance challenges and the rising number of road fatalities. They also cater for the ongoing digitalization, automation, electrification, the demand for real-time traffic and travel information and the need for more interoperable mobility solutions to provide travellers with seamless travel experiences. Specifically emphasized in the programme are sessions tailored to policy makers from cities, road operators or technology vendors.

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